24 August 2010

Justice Department to Appeal Stem Cell Research Ruling

The Obama administration will appeal a judge's ruling that temporarily blocked federal funding for embryonic stem cell research.

Justice Department spokesman Matt Miller said Tuesday that the department will "soon" be filing its appeal in U.S. District Court in the District of Columbia, where the ruling came down Monday.

White House spokesman Bill Burton earlier said the administration was exploring all possible avenues "to make sure that we can continue to do this critical lifesaving research."

Asked if it might take new legislation from Congress to counter the ruling from U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth, Burton said all possibilities were being explored. More...

20 August 2010

Ratings Updated 20 August

We've just updated the ratings again as we have received more Surveys back. Please click on the tab above to view. Remember, the Primary is this Tuesday!

17 August 2010

Ratings Updated

We've had a bunch of Surveys turned in during the last few days, and we've updated the site to reflect the updates. Please click here to see them.

Any candidate who would still like to turn in a Survey may still do so. We will update as often as possible before the Primary.

11 August 2010

2010 Primary Candidate Survey Ratings

We have just released our 2010 Primary Candidate Ratings. We wish to thank all of the candidates who have heretofore responded, and welcome those who have not to do so.

Our goal was to provide unbiased and untainted information about candidates to the voting public. We believe we have done so successfully, and look forward to providing that same information for years to come to our fellow Arizonans. To see the current ratings, please click on the tab above.

Thank you,

David B. Roney