2010 Candidate Survey


2010 Candidate Survey
(Click for PDF version)

Dear Candidate:

Thank you for running for office.

It is the intent of ProLife Arizona to review each candidate's stances on prolife issues before making any recommendations or endorsements. We ask that you answer each question so that we may better inform Arizonans about your positions on these critical life issues.


David B. Roney
ProLife Arizona Chairman

Candidate's Name:_______________________________ Date:___________________

Office Sought: ________________ Location: (CD/LD/City etc.): __________________

Address: ______________________________________________________________

City: __________________________ ZIP:_____________ County:________________

Phones: Best:( )_______________________ Fax:( )_____________________

Website:______________________ E-Mail:___________________________________

Preferred Contact: ______________________________________________________

1. Under what circumstances, if any, do you believe an expectant mother should be able to kill a child? (Circle letter)

A. None
B. To prevent the death of the mother only.
C. To prevent the death of the mother, in cases of rape and in cases of incest.
D. Other: (Please provide an explanation) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Would you vote for a law to ban abortion, aside from the excepted cases (if any) you chose above? Yes / No

3. Would you support overturning Supreme Court cases Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton, thus leaving legislation regarding abortion up to the individual states? Yes / No

4. Would you vote for a bill requiring that doctors provide information to expectant mothers on the development of their unborn child, the child's ability to feel extreme pain during an abortion, alternatives to abortion, the medical risks of abortion, and the long term affects of killing a child, at least 24 hours before an abortion is performed? Yes / No

5. Would you vote for a ban on partial birth abortions, a procedure where a child is partially delivered and then killed by the doctor? Yes / No

6. Would you vote for a bill to eliminate taxpayer funding of abortions, and to prohibit government employees, including teachers and school administrators, from counseling in favor of an abortion, and referring mothers to abortion clinics? Yes / No

7. Would you vote against the experimentation with tissues and organs obtained from aborted children? Yes / No

8. Would you vote for restrictions on the marketing, distribution, sale and use of abortion pills and "morning-after" pills? Yes / No

9. Would you vote for legislation which protects healthcare workers from discrimination or legal liability if they refuse to participate in a service which is contrary to their ethical, moral or religious beliefs? Yes / No

10. Do you believe an embryo is a living child? Yes / No

11. Would you vote for legislation to protect human embryos from being used for medical experiments that would harm or kill them, including embryonic stem cell research? Yes / No

12. Do you believe in-vitro fertilization, in the circumstance where some of the embryos are not implanted, should be legal? Yes / No

13. Would you vote for legislation that would make it easier for a married man and woman to implant “snowflake babies” – un-implanted embryos that are discarded as a result of in- vitro fertilization, thus giving those embryos a chance at life? Yes / No

14. Would you vote for legislation prohibiting all forms of human cloning? Yes / No

15. Would you vote for a ban on physician assisted suicide, including medically hastening a patient's death by over-medicating? Yes / No

16. Would you vote for legislation that would prohibit the rationing of health care which intentionally denies treatment on the basis of disability or another individual's subjective understanding of "quality of life?" Yes / No

17. Would you vote against involuntary denial of life-saving treatment by legislating that in cases where a health care provider is unwilling to provide treatment, the patient is to be transferred to a willing provider and be provided treatment pending the transfer? Yes / No

18. Would you vote for legislation which prohibits the withholding or withdrawal of nutrition and hydration from an individual without the patient's prior written consent? Yes / No

19. Would you vote for a law allowing a biological father to agree to raise a child, take full responsibility for the child, and thus prevent a mother from killing their child? Yes / No

148 American children are aborted every hour in the United States

50 Million of our fellow American children have been aborted since 1973.

We appreciate you taking the time to fill out this survey.

I understand that my answers to this survey are INTENDED to help Arizona voters obtain a more clear picture of my prolife stances, and thus my answers may be made available to members of the public.

Signature of Candidate: _______________________________________

Date: _______________________________

Return To: Prolife Arizona

3219 East Camelback Road Suite 482

Phoenix, AZ 85018

Fax: (480) 948-6468

E-Mail: ProlifeArizona@gmail.com